When I first saw this app, saw the negative reviews, I decided to wait before purchasing, knowing that most apps eventually go on sale. Im not willing to pay to preview an app, so when I saw it was free, I jumped on it and Im glad I did!!!
I purchased the first app, Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace when it first came out, and I was pleasantly surprised when I opened this one that it automatically gave The Phantom Menace to me for free. Great looking out for us Disney!!! By far, other than Zelda Ocarina Of Time and C.T.R., Podracing has been the game I have most waited to come to the App Store.
The game itself, sadly, isnt the full game it was back in the day. But to relive the experience makes up for the missing content.
My biggest gripe is that all three are combined into one app. It requires more space this way, even if you dont purchase the rest of the stories. I wouldve much preferred them to be separated like they originally were going to do.
The games on the other two are mediocre at best, but will be well suited to younger audiences.
As a whole, Im pleased with the app. Its great nostalgia for any Star Wars fan, and perfect for getting your younglings familiar with the Star Wars films. A great preparation for Episode VII!!!!
I hope they do just as good of a job with IV-VI, if not better.
May the force be with you!
iRoswell about Star Wars Journeys: Beginnings